Hannah Stippl mischievously plays with the creative possibilities already coded by art history. The personal synthesis she has achieved through her consistent work makes her one of the most interesting and vital representatives of new painting in Austria.
— Berthold Ecker

Hannah Stippl is a contemporary Austrian artist, curator and landscape theorist. She is best known for her impressive landscape paintings which playfully balance at the interface of ornament and image.

Born in Vienna, Hannah Stippl studied philosophy, art history and painting at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Here she earned her doctorate in the field of landscape theory in 2011. Her dissertation offers the first comprehensive review of the landscape-theoretical watercolors by Lucius Burckhardt. From 2005-2017, she taught at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in the Department of Landscapedesign/art. Her theoretical preoccupation with cultural-historical and ecological aspects of plants, gardens and landscapes fundamentally influences her artistic work.

Hannah Stippl also curated numerous exhibitions and runs the exhibition space puuul in Vienna. She splits her time between Vienna, her studio in Elsbach, Lower Austria and Aguilas, Spain.

In recent years I have focused on exploring structures such as thickets, embankments or overgrown slopes. Each project consists of a series of works on paper and canvas with a specific inspiration. My paintings build up layer upon layer, and since I'm working on many pieces at the same time, that can take years. New paintings are started unintentionally: some colored areas, patterns, overlays. Compositions are built up by overlapping layers of paint with the help of stencils and historic pattern rollers that I collected for the last twenty years. Over time, the layers entangle and certain atmospheres become perceptible. It is important to me to keep the random, accidental, and inappropriate visible, like spots and graffiti-like fragments, left-overs and stray lines. Words and patterns rely on repetition, like magic spells. In my works, I connect research in fields as mythology, feminism or ecology with individuality, emotion and beauty. Together, these structures evoke ambiguous natural sceneries I am interested in, familiar and alien at the same time.

Throughout my career I blended my love of pattern with a deep interest in landscape and plants. This is what informs my work in the studio, in the garden, and as horticultural installations. I am radical in the most original sense of the word radicalis, which means rooted, connected to the earth, with plants at eye level. Here, the radical is a form of earthly attachment. I think of my paintings as growing and evolving, revealing themselves slowly.


2026 Pikisaari Biennale, Oulu (FIN)

2020 Helen’s Dress. E-Residency, Vamvakou Revival (GR)

2019 One + One, Favelab Athen (GR)

2019 Independent Artist in Residence NYC, mit Dagmar Höss, New York (USA)

2015 Artist in Residence SomoS Berlin Art Initiative, Berlin (D)

2011 Artist in Residence Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexiko, Taos (USA)

2003 BKA Artist in Residence Rom (I)

2009 Artist in Residence Verein für aktuelle Kunst / Ruhrgebiet e.V., Oberhausen (D)

2005 Artist in Residence Budapest (HU)

2004 Artist in Residence Muscat (OM)

2003 BKA Artist in Residence Rom (I)

2002 Projekt Woman Dialogue Oman Austria, Muscat (OM)


SOLO SHOWS (Selection)

2024 Ein anderer Garten. Ausstellungsbrücke, St. Pölten, NÖ (A)

2022 How To Become A Tree (Daphne). puuul, Vienna (A)

2021 There Is No Cure. JW Marriott Resort & Spa, Venice, as part of Venice Design Week 2021 (I)

2021 Jetzt, Sirene, jetzt. puuul, Vienna (A)

2021 Entangled. Elisabeth Falkinger & Hannah Stippl. basement, Vienna (A)

2017 Von Landschaften und Mustern. (duller/stippl), Vienna Design Week, Kieran Fraser Landscape Design, Wien (A)

2015 Hybrids. (duller/stippl), Salon am Moritzplatz, Berlin (D)

2013 The Flowerbeds. (duller/stippl), Artenne Nenzing (A)

2013 Mural. (duller/stippl), Geffreye Museum, Chelsea Fringe, London (UK)

2011 Painting. Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexiko, Taos (USA)

2009 Zeitungsübermalungen. Verein für aktuelle Kunst / Ruhrgebiet e.V., Oberhausen (D)

2006 Alles möglich. Stadtturmgalerie, Innsbruck (A)

2005 urban camouflage_04, Study Center Burg Schlaining (A)

2005 ... no fear! Kunsthalle factory, Krems (A)

2004 urban camouflage_04, Gallery Alcatraz, Hallein (A)

2004 painting. Barockschlössl Mistelbach (A)

2002 böschung_02. Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vienna (A)

2001 Roll over / Barock. ars mobilis Kunstvermittlung, Vienna (A)

2001 Hannah Stippl. Bauholding Kunstforum Klagenfurt (A)

2001 Strip off the Plaster. Innenministerium Wien (A) 

1999 Hannah Stippl. Artothek Galerie Alte Schmiede, Vienna (A)


GROUP SHOWS (Selection)

2025 Parallele Fiktionen der Natur. Kunstverein Kärnten, Klagenfurt (A)

2024 Landschaft II. Galerie Artecont, Vienna (A)

2024 A Collaborative Landscape Painting. Tony Heywood & Hannah Stippl. The Atkinson, Southport (GB)

2023 Grotte und Lorbeer. Kunstverein Paradigma, Linz (A)

2023 Big Time. Parallel Vienna 2023 (A)

2022 Aliens und Göttinnen. Parallel Vienna 2022 (A)

2022 Die Wilden sind wir. Symposium Lindabrunn (A)

2021 About Landschaft. Parallel Vienna 2021 (A)

2021 Blickfelder. ArtP Kunstverein, Perchtoldsdorf (A)

2021 Na drugi pogled // Auf den zweiten Blick // At Second Glance. Austrian Kulturforum Belgrade (SRB)

2019 Resizing Artemis. FAVELab Athens (GR)

2019 Creative Times. Venice (I)

2018 Die 90er Jahre. Musa, Vienna (A)

2015 Ugly Plants. An Investigation about Contemporary Aesthetic Standards and the Popular Culture of Ornamental Plant Breeding. Elam School of Fine Art, Auckland (NZ)

2014 Eden’s Edge. Three Shorts on the Californian Deserts. Viennale, Vienna International Film Festival, (A)

2014 The Eden’s Edge Project. MAK Center, Mackey Garage Top, Los Angeles (USA)

2013 Out of the Box. 10 Questions to Artistic Research. MAK Museum für angewandte Kunst Wien (A)

2012 Garten Nutzen Ziehen. (duller/stippl), Artenne Nenzing (A)

2012 Garden of Disorientation. (duller/stippl), Chelsea Fringe. London (UK)

2011 Between times. Interface 2011 Concrete Art Forum e.V., Erfurt (D)

2010 Collaborate! IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A)

2007 Nothing for us. Everything for everyone! IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A)

2006 Hidden stories - remapping Mozart, Vienna (A)

2005 Stripes, Lines and Colors. Galerie Exner, Vienna (A)

2005 Anstiften. Galerie Tanglberg, Vorchdorf, Oberösterreich (A)

2005 Naturwerk, Stadtgalerie Mondsee (A)

2004 Waste Land. Palais Porcia, Vienna (A)

2004 Waste Land. Omani Society of Fine Arts, Muscat (OM)

2003 Caribean Winter, Quartier 21, MuseumsquartierWien (A)

2003 Ornament oder die neue Lust am Verbrechen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Luitpold Lounge, München (D)

2003 Mimosen-Rosen-Herbstzeitlosen. Positionen 1945 bis Heute, Kunsthalle Krems (A)

2002 Real Painting. Kunst.Raum.Dornbirn (A)

2002 Woman Dialogue Oman Austria. Palais Porcia, Vienna (A)

2002 Woman Dialogue Austria Oman. Oman French Museum, Muscat (OM)

2001 Winners 2001. Bauholding Kunstforum, Klagenfurt (A)

2001 Central. artLab: New Art from Central Europe. Quartier 21, Vienna (A)

2001 Central. artLab: New Art from Central Europe. Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen (D)

2001 Keine Bewegung! Palais Liechtenstein, Feldkirch (A)

2001 The garden for many dreams - Plants. Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vienna (A)

2000 A rose is… Salle de Balle, Palais Clam Gallas, Vienna (A)

2000 Perspektiven - Arbeiten auf Papier. ars mobilis, Vienna (A)

2000 Im Häuschen - aus dem Häuschen. Galerie station3, Vienna (A)

1999 Oswald Auer / Hannah Stippl. Siemens ArtLab, Vienna (A)

1999 Alles Graphik.Galerie station3, Vienna (A)

1998 12 Artists from Vienna. Manhattan Graphics Center, New York (USA)

1998 Positions in Space. Galerie station3, Vienna (A)



2023 Secret Garden, Wallpainting, Wien (A)

2018 artemisiaGARTEN, Greenart Tulln, (A) - mit Anita Duller

2012 G3 Shopping- Resort, Wallpaintings & Plantings, Gerasdorf (A) - mit Anita Duller

2010 - 2016 Work in Progress, Ernst Arnold Park, KÖR, Wien (A)


2017 Preisträger Greenart Tulln, (A) - mit Anita Duller

2014 Stipendium der Annemarie & Lucius Burckhardt Foundation, Basel (CH)

2006 flexible@art Price, Universität für angeandte Kunst Wien & Kunstuniversität Linz (A)

2002 Colt Preis für kuratorische Konzepte

2001 Bauholding Kunstförderpreis


2024 Den Pflanzen folgen. Kunstwerkstatt Tulln, NÖ (A)

ab 2021 puuul, Vienna (A)

2013 (landscape) with flowers. IG Bildende Kunst & Kalthaus, HBV Vienna (A)

Reader (E|D) for the exhibition. Mit Beiträgen von George Gessert, Eduardo Kac, Noel Kingsbury et al.

2009 Die Lesbarkeit der Brache. Kalthaus, HBV Vienna (A)

2008 Avant Gardeners. Kalthaus, HBV Vienna (A)

2007 LandschaftsDesignKunst. Böhlau Verlag, Vienna (A)

2006 pool. Chakra Hacker versus The Brainmanagers. Budapest (HU)

2005 Can't remember my own dreams. Art Pavilion Innsbruck (A)

2004 Good bye, mama. IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A)

2004 What do you know about us? IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A)

2004 Gallery by Night. Studio galeria, Budapest (HU)

2002 You' re lucky to even know me .... IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A)

2001Vorübergehende Betrachtung. IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A)

2000 - 2006 pool, Ausstellungsraum und Atelier, Vienna (A)

2000 Souvenir. IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A)

2000 Art Pill. IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A)


2010 - 2017 Zusammenarbeit mit Anita Duller unter dem Label duller/stippl

2015 Visiting Professor Elam School of Fine Art - The University of Auckland (NZ)

2014 Paint before you plant! Workshop & Exhibition, (duller/stippl), KAUST King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Jeddah Saudi Arabia (SA)

2014 Chelsea Fringe Vienna, Festivalorganisation, mit Anita Duller

2014 - 2017 Assistentin Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Ortsbezogene Kunst / Paul Petritsch (Petritsch/Six)

2013 - 2014 Assistentin Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Landschaftskunst / Martha Schwartz, Tony Heywood & Tim Richardson

2011 - 2013 Teilnahme am PEEKForschungsprojekt Eden’s Edge (Leitung Gerhard Treml) www.edens-edge.org

2007 - 2011 Dissertation “Nur wo der Mensch die Natur gestört hat, wird die Landschaft wirklich schön. Die landschaftstheoretischen Aquarelle von Lucius Burckhardt.”

2005 - 2013 Assistentin Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Landschaftsdesign / Mario Terzic

2000 - 2003 Geschäftsführung IG BILDENDE KUNST, Wien

1999 - 2001 Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler Privatstiftung, Archiv, Wien, Inventarisierung des Nachlasses von Friedrich Kiesler

1999 Axa Nordstern Colonia Versicherungs – AG, Kunstabteilung, Wien

1998 - 2000 Postgradualer Lehrgang für Museums- und Ausstellungswesen, Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Wien

1993 - 1997 Studium an der Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst, Meisterklasse für Freie Grafik / Mario Terzic