Absolutely addicted to plants.

Flirrend weiss

The gaze directly downward onto the ground shows detailed relationships, the intentional and incidental patterns of growth, flowering, and decay; of sunshine, rain or snow. The weekly photographs expose the traces of caring human interaction with plants, dirt or mulch. Most of the well-known features of a perennial bed vanish, and renowned plants become defamiliarized. From above, anemones read as lush, green tourmoils of leaves, and grasses look like hastily combined tangles of lines. Plantings seem to consist of largely colored, abstract patterns and coarsely textured surfaces, their close relation to painting becomes visible. These vertical images are beautiful, but there is something irritating about this beauty. No empathetic view, but an abstract, sometimes scientific view, which shows their exposed anatomy. The rhythmic, vertical gaze makes it possible to overcome the usual, the sentimental perception of flowers. This estrangement opens up new and rewarding aesthetic approaches.



das paradies vorstellen / envisioning paradise

Ausstellung im Salon am Moritzplatz, Berlin 2015

Der Begriff hybrid verweist auf etwas Gebündeltes, Gekreuztes oder einen Zwischenbereich, die bewusste Vermischung von distinkten Materialien und Zeichensystemen, mit unvorhersehbarer kultureller, biologischer oder ideologischer Mobilität. Anita Duller und Hannah Stippl  verbinden Malerei und Pflanzen, hybrid per se, zu hortikulturellen Installationen, ergänzt durch popkulturelle Fundstücke. Hybride Vorstellungen einer Natur, die sich eben nicht mehr von selbst versteht, Wunschvorstellungen paradiesischer Natur. duller/stippl zeigen eine vom Menschen geprägte, sozial konstituierte, artifizielle, gestaltete, arrangierte, getötete oder künstlich am Leben gehaltene Natur, - kurz: Technonatur. Wie sich das Paradies vorstellen? Gerade der Begriff hybrid bezeichnet nicht die Ablösung eines Zustandes durch einen anderen, sondern eine Verbindung im Sinne einer Doppelkodierung, bei der verschiedenartige Systeme aufeinander treffen, kollidieren und sich wechselseitig in ihrem Geltungsanspruch relativieren. 

The term hybrid refers to something bundled, crossed or an intermediate region, the deliberate mixing of distinct materials and sign systems, with unpredictable cultural, biological and ideological mobility. Anita Duller and Hannah Stippl combine painting and plants, hybrids in itself, to horticultural installations, supplemented by pop cultural artifacts. Hybrid ideas of nature, that is just no longer obvious, wishful thinking of paradisiacal nature. duller/stippl show a human-dominated, socially constituted, artificial, designed, arranged, killed or artificially alive held nature - in short: Techno nature. How to envision paradise? Especially the term hybrid refers not to the replacement of one state by another, but a connection in terms of double coding, meeting various systems, colliding and mutually relativizing each other in their claim of validity.


Ausstellung IG Bildende Kunst & Botanischer Garten der Universität Wien, 2013

Cornucopia, the horn of plenty, is a symbol of abundance, that man hopes to find in nature: the lush vegetation with an exuberant wealth of flowers and the rich harvest, that offers paradisiac comfort and supreme aesthetic pleasure. With nature combine promotionally effective wishful notions: It is the original, the good, the relevant and the beautiful – when man it only permits and does not interfere. The pristine and healthy nature is essentially determined from the dichotomy to the human, be it as opposition to art or technique. The installation "Cornucopia" explores the overlapping and mixing, the cracks and fissures of these desires, which are only effective as ideological positions with fetishistic character. Nature no longer is self-evident: it is a socially constituted, one marked by man, remodeled, arranged, killed or artificially held alive - in short: an artificial, technical fashioned nature. Especially where nature is sought in its representation, it is artificial: as a natural monument or conservation area, a park, an image, a planting, even as a single plant - nature, that falls in our sense, is Techno nature.

Foto: Kieran Fraser

Foto: Kieran Fraser

G3 Shopping Resort, Gerasdorf 2012/13

Planting Design for the project by Kieran Fraser Landscape Design

The G3 Shopping Resort was the first shopping centre in Austria subjected to an environmental compatibility assessment - with positive outcome. Amongst other measures, roof and terrain surfaces were created to ensure the habitat of the native crested lark and the giant peacock moth. This effort was also supported by the design and plant selection of a central green area around the high point of the car park. Formally, the planting concept refers to the geometry of the surrounding cultivated landscape (see grafic below). Predominantly native perennials and grasses are planted in a linear continuation of the neighbouring fields and form the core element of the central green area. The plant selection was compiled by duller/stippl and evolved from their method “paint before you plant”. Five plant collections, varying in terms of colour and texture, structure the green area according to the topography and create a diversified overall picture.

Beispiel für die Umsetzung von Malerei in Pflanzen